They look like aliens. Their ranks are legion. Enormous monsters who preyed on our ancestors. Tentacled beasts who spawn millions in minutes. They have spread to thrive in every habitat on earth.

Prepare for a journey into the world of the mollusk: a group of invertebrates that has produced the oldest animal alive, the hardest biological material, and a lot of slime.

Humanity. Mollusks. An epic battle for survival.

Straighten your spine, vertebrate. Things are about to get weird.


For a thousand years, humans have lost fortunes and ruined lives trying to cheat the laws of nature. Now it’s your turn.

What would happen if you built a machine that created free energy, forever?

Welcome to The Perpetual Motion Museum, a place of invisible jiggles and our age-old struggle to harness and understand energy.


Our new Museum of Care explores the past, present, and future of caring for one another told through the stories and voices of frontline health workers.

Highlighting the importance of community-oriented care beyond the walls of hospital systems, the museum encourages visitors to consider themselves as a caregiver and reimagine the shape of their communities in order to provide equitable care for all.


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Meet the scientists and tinkerers that make our museums possible.